Protecting Your Smile from Gum Disease Risk Factors

The Halloween season is finally here, which means sweets and treats aplenty. However, do not overdo it this year as you can easily increase the risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Sugars and sweets can be transformed into harmful acids within your smile which will eat through your tooth enamel and contribute to plaque buildup and decay. Furthermore, if... read more »

Interesting Facts About Oral Cancer

Defend your oral health by getting screened for oral cancer. Although cancers may easily go unnoticed before signs begin to appear, screenings are essential to ensure the disease is caught fast enough to ensure a positive recovery rate. Typical symptoms include the following: - Look for obvious spots, patched, blotches, or marks. - Look for visible crusty or eroded patches... read more »

Dental Sealants Protect Smiles

Did you know that dental sealants can lower your risk of tooth decay by nearly 80%? Dental sealants are designed to improve your smile by protecting your teeth from decay and enamel erosion that cause cavities and other oral emergencies. With a dental sealant, your smile will be better protected from the harmful acids produced by plaque buildup in your... read more »

Which Foods Are Healthy for Your Smile?

Have you ever wondered which foods are healthy for your smile? Although all foods inevitably wear down teeth slightly due to the chewing process, it is hard enough to wear teeth out as teeth that are well taken care of can last a lifetime of use. Listed below are food choices that can help keep your teeth in tip-top shape:... read more »

A Dental Bridge Might Just Be What Your Smile Needs for the Summer

If you have had issues with your smile, a dental bridge might just be what you need to prepare you for the summer season, and all the social activities that come with it. If you have missing teeth and want to fill them in, a dental bridge can do that effectively and attractively. Dental bridges fill in missing teeth by anchoring... read more »

What Are the Best Cosmetic Dentistry Options?

What are the best cosmetic dentistry options? Typically, the best treatment options for your smile should always be the ones that improve your oral health the most. However, some that exist simply to improve the look of your smile can also do wonders for your self-esteem and self-image. Some of the most remarkable forms of cosmetic dentistry for fixing tooth... read more »